Sunday, July 21, 2013

The backroom we neglect

Everyone has that back room that we unconsciously refuse to give the time of day too. For some it is the guest room while for others it is either the attic or basement. For my peers, as well as I, attending NJIT that room would have to be the one in the back of redwood halls lobby. For all four years it's been there and has made a dramatic change in appearance each year which isn't noticed until it is almost time to leave it. Those who have moved away from a home they may have appreciated could agree to this statement. From the plain white empty brick walled room to the designs on it now with desks and TV. It has alway been there. For my final days on campus I only see it fitting to sit in that same room and reflect upon all the nostalgic memories I've endured through the process of the program. I mean, it only seems fair.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bulking up for the season

It's summer once again and it is just so blissful. The oceans are jovially crashing upon the shores, the beaches that are still in order and functional are now open and places such as six flags are a child's proud substitute for having to sit in class. However, since it's summer again and all these place are, indeed, open to public use everyone has a common trouble yet again. That dilemma would be getting a beach body worth bragging about and showing off only to fit the competition posted by media. In other cases it would be bad to conform to this, sadly popular, norm in the status quo but since it encourages those who are "out of shape" and live a sedementary lifestyle to exercise I guess it can't be helped.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Witnessing the blazing flamingo

To help subdue the confusion caused by the title I will begin by stating that the flamingo is the noted bird representative for the summer season. And what a summer it has started out to be. The sultry weather is moderating it's weather to fit a numerous amount of enjoyful outdoor activities if not all. Whether it be picnicking, amusement park visits or even just common family bonding through exercise, this summer weather is surely one to behold. I, myself, spent enough time in the grassy plains watching the clouds pass by one at a time. Each of them holding their own nostalgic memory.

Not to fit the stereotype but....

Note that I am not aiming to fit the stereotype but I am an African American male that has extreme troubles with math. Though, unlike the stereotype, I read and write over (along with an increasing time of studying) and no matter how hard or rigorous my mathematical training progresses to be the fruits of labor never seem to reveal themself. Not even the instructor is fully capable of enlightening my, already dim, view of the math world. Now it's just a struggle to maintain a status of which is above what is expected of me. It could be the fault of the school system or just a suppressing subconscious that resides within my mind that refuses to comprehend scabrous tasks.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Upset at this verdict

From the sound of the title everyone who is caught up to date with current events should know what I am so "upset" about. For those who are not aware then it would be the unreasonable verdict done on the case of George Zimmerman and the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin where Zimmerman was found not guilty and set free of all charges. Understanding that I am just another individual adding fire to the already burning flame of anger towards Zimmerman I will be the one of few who will say few words on the situation. All that can be said is despite the disagreeable verdict we must respect the court systems decision. Though, the court system should keep an eye on Zimmerman for the undeniable outcome or possibility of him causing harm to himself, to someone else or, more likely, others doing harm to Zimmerman.
          My interests are simple, it is purely based on common human necessities such as food, exercise, art, lustful desires but is centered around manga. First, what is manga? They are comics that originated in Japan that conform to a style developed there in the late nineteenth century. In Japan, manga is suitable for people of all ages. It has works in a vast range of genres such as action-adventure, romance, sports, historical drama, comedy, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, suspense, horror, ecchi, sexuality, slice of life and business, among many others. Beginning from the nineteen fifty's, manga has gradually become a major part of the Japanese publishing industry, having a $3.6 billion market in Japan in the year 2007and $5.5 billion in the year 2009.
           Manga has gained a large international audience and this is where my interest came in. Since childhood, I have personally read and adored various worlds/characters created in manga such as "Dragon Ball Z" and "Naruto" which was followed by inspiring me to pursue creating my own. Not only that, but to desire entering the field as a career. A manga artist or "mangaka" usually utilizes a small amount of assistants in a studio or apartment and consults an imaginative editor assigned to them from a commercial publishing company and, if popular enough, a manga series may be animated after or during its run.
           It can be noted that manga pages are known for being printed in black and white while, although, there are some full-color manga that are in existence. In Japan, manga are usually serialized in rather popular manga magazines, such as Shueisha's "Shonen Jump", often containing many stories and each presented in a single episode to be continued in the next issue of the magazine. If the series is truly successful in popularity, a specific amount of chapters will be republished back to back in books called "tankōbon" or, as we know them as, volumes. Starting from the year 2006, about three-thousand mangakas are working professionally in Japan. Some may have studied at an art college, manga school, or took on an apprenticeship with another mangaka first before entering the world of manga as a professional artist.
           However, there are some that just start in manga, which is my ultimate goal. I aim to become a popular artist without the need for being an assistant but to enter the field by applying into contests that the magazines run. Examples of people who have done this task before me would be, Naoko Takeuchi, who is the author of the popular series, "Sailor Moon", who won such a contest sponsored by Kodansha, a publishing company, and Osamu Tezuka, who created "Astro Boy" and entered the manga world without ever being an assistant.
          A mangaka will progress through recognition of their ability in sparking the interest of institutions, individuals or even many manga consumers. A certain way of doing so would be through the previously mentioned contests which potential mangaka may join in that are sponsored by editors and publishers. Mangakas are also recognized for the number of manga they attempt to run at the same time or simultaneously. In broadcast media my aim is to learn more of what interest viewers as of today hold or in this generation. In doing so, the value of my work will surely prosper and that is another factor that peaks my interest.